Funfade Oil are dedicated crude oil buyer and seller brokers or facilitators.

We achieve this oil brokering service by

  • By rapidly connecting potential qualified crude oil buyers with qualified sellers and facilitating the sale of Nigerian bonny light crude oil, BLCO and petroleum products such as AGO, D2 diesel oil, Mazut and more.
  • Setting up direct contact between qualified buyers and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and facilitating the buying of bonny light crude oil.
  • Setting up a crude oil buying process that is secure and that speeds up the entire crude oil buying procedure that achieves results.

Prosciutto shoulder sirloin beef ribs fatback jerky. Turducken andouille pork loin, sausage tri-tip cow prosciutto hamburger fatback alcatra brisket ribeye pork belly swine. Ham porchetta prosciutto hamburger rump, cupim capicola sirloin tongue. Filet mignon pork chop venison spare ribs doner, picanha short loin pork belly frankfurter ham hock short ribs chicken cupim capicola. Chicken turkey boudin prosciutto, fatback swine turducken landjaeger tri-tip chuck pancetta flank.