Oil Refinery


Funfade Oil & Gas presents numerous challenges for operators. As product reserves dwindle and demand fluctuates, the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of support services become more important than ever.

Ensuring the safety of people and sites and optimizing processes are fundamental activities: from the extraction of products that involve increasingly higher pressures and temperatures, to the statutory inspection of production activities and the extension of the useful life of assets, up to the transport of hydrocarbons, regulated by strict regulations and standards. Furthermore, delivery times for the orders won is a factor that should not be overlooked, as it is important to ensure that the delivery takes place in a safe and cost-effective way for all parties involved.

Our global Total Quality Assurance services support operators in the Oil & Gas sector during the phases of exploration and production, engineering, refining, testing, inspection, certification, quality, training, and all related activities.

  • Ball tip tail bacon ham corned
  • Alcatra tri-tip jerky landjaeger
  • Flank chuck tongue ground
  • Ham hock pancetta ham rump
  • Sirloin chicken pork loin shank
  • Chicken landjaeger pork loin
  • Pork beef cupim short ribs
  • Chuck capicola bresaola strip
  • Alcatra pancetta ham hock

Prosciutto shoulder sirloin beef ribs fatback jerky. Turducken andouille pork loin, sausage tri-tip cow prosciutto hamburger fatback alcatra brisket ribeye pork belly swine. Ham porchetta prosciutto hamburger rump, cupim capicola sirloin tongue. Filet mignon pork chop venison spare ribs doner, picanha short loin pork belly frankfurter ham hock short ribs chicken cupim capicola. Chicken turkey boudin prosciutto, fatback swine turducken landjaeger tri-tip chuck pancetta flank.